"UIPATH 2"="Program Options\Built in Windows Apps\Command Prompt"
"NAME"="CMD Prompt Config"
"TEXT 1"="Prompt"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="When you start a Command Box in Windows, it will display a prompt where you can enter the command to be executed. By default, this is "$P$G" which simply means "Display the current drive and path" ($P) followed by a ">" sign ($G), for example ("C:\WINNT>").
"DESCRIPTION 2"="However, you can easily configure this prompt by using any of the following characters:
"DESCRIPTION 3"="$N Current drive
"DESCRIPTION 4"="$P Current drive and path
"DESCRIPTION 5"="$T Current time
"DESCRIPTION 6"="$D Current date
"DESCRIPTION 7"="$V Windows version number
"DESCRIPTION 8"="The following are commands that will display single char:"
"DESCRIPTION 13"="$S (space)
"DESCRIPTION 14"="$_ (Causes a CR/LF; new line)
"DESCRIPTION 15"="Beside this, you can also use any variable that is visible through the "set" command (execute it in a Command Box). For example, you could us:"
"DESCRIPTION 16"=""[%computername%]$P$G" to display the prompt "[MYCOMPUTER]C:\WINNT>""
"DESCRIPTION 17"="The restore the original value, simply clear the field and hit Apply.
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"